Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let's Make That 7 Birthdays in July.......

My sister, Samantha, had her baby today! That makes 7 birthdays in the month of July for my side of the family. Fall is obviously our "breeding season"!

Colten is doing wonderful (especially for a 34 weeker) but will have to stay in the hospital anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks for observation.

Congratulations Sam and Scott!

Pictures soon.............

Sunday, July 26, 2009

S'more Fun

Made s'mores and posed by the campfire last night.........
Pink pillow even made it to the campsite. (Surprise!)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mowin' the Lawn - Country Diva Style

Shane's parents are hanging out in Missouri while we hang out in Kansas so we're swapping mowing chores!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brinn's 5th Birthday - Take II

Take II - Second Party!

Whoa! She got the "Bike with Me Barbie" bike that she wanted. Thanks Mimi and Poppy!!!

Happy Birthday Brinn!! We love you!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Brinn's 5th Birthday - Take I

I can't believe our little girl is 5!!!!!!! We couldn't be bless with a more loving and wonderful daughter. We are so proud of her and happy God chose us to be her parents. I pray she grows up knowing this. It goes so fast....before we know it she will be 10.....15....20......Ekkkkkk!!

Shane and I very much wanted to throw her a big, fun 5th birthday party, but since we are half in Missouri and half in Kansas there was just no way we were going to stress ourselves out trying to figure out who/what/where/when. (Lately we don't even know who/what/where/when we are!) So, we opted for just family parties - one with my side and one with Shane's side. I'm pretty sure she had a great time at both!

As you might have guessed, Delta Dawn did it once again! She made a beautiful Cinderella cake. Thanks Delt, you are AWESOME!

I even got a little creative and made Brinn a tool skirt. Can you believe it???

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Supper Club Kids, July 2009

Holly and Tommy hosted Supper Club this month....a shrimp boil.......and MMMMMMM, it was delicious!

We got the kiddos together (as best we could) for a picture. (L to R): Quinn, Carter, Kaden, Addison, Dylan (on Addy's lap), Brinn, Payton.

Not in picture: Finnegan

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tubing 101

Brinn and I missed the actual 4th of July with Shaner (he was down at the lake while we were getting our baby fix), but we did make it back down for a few sun-filled days of fun.

Carla and Rick (Shane's sister and brother-in-law) have had a tube tied to the back of their boat for as long as I can remember. Brinn has seen it many, many times but never asked to go for a ride on it. I guess all kids get to the point they want to test their parents' comfort level, right? She decided it was now time to try it. Oh, great!

I want to tube......pleeeeease...........

We started out just staying by the dock and letting her climb on it while Carla pulled her in by hand.

Then we progressed to actual tubing. First with Shane, then with me. She loved it, of course!

Here's a video of Shane and Brinn in action.

Then Shane and I thought it would be a good idea if we gave it a try too. MIND YOU, we have not tubed in FOREVER!!! Rick gave us a pretty good run for our money and we looked like a couple of bobble heads a few times, however, we stayed on much longer than I thought we would!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I'll Drink That Cake!

Yes, Lisa's birthday cake is another Delta Dawn original!

She has made three cakes so far...Kristin's shower cake, Josh's birthday cake (a Wii remote cake), and Lisa's birthday cake...and each one has been equally wonderful (and delicious I might add!).

I just love this idea. We were all blown away when we saw it.

Great job, Delt!

And Happy Birthday to my baby sister....I can't believe my baby sister is 21. OMG!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We have 5 birthdays (actually now 6 with baby Kyle) in the month of July (just on my side of the family), so this time of the year always gets a little hairy. This year, however, has nearly left my head spinning!

My new nephew, Kyle, was born on July 2nd, which also happens to be my nephew Josh's birthday. My sister, Lisa, turned 21 on July 3rd (Yeah Lisa!). In the course of these few days we all tried to celebrate Kyle's birth, Josh's birthday, Lisa's birthday, and Kyle's homecoming (and the 4th of July of course!). Unfortunately, the homecoming celebration was short lived because the day after Kyle came home, he had to be readmitted into the hospital to treat his jaundice. After a few days in the hospital and a few more days of treatment at home, his bilirubin levels are now normal. Now we can REALLY love on him!

Aunt Delta, Brinn and baby Kyle.
Proud Daddy Joe.
Going home!

Birthday boy Josh and his friend. Happy 11th, Josh!

Birthday girl Lisa with her cake.

Back in the hospital......
And back home again!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Introducing Kyle Josef, 7/2/2009

My new newphew......Kyle Josef, born on July 2nd, 2009.

Congratulations Joe and Kris!!! He's gorgeous.....look at all the hair!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June Catch-Up

Where does the time go? Almost a month has come and gone without a post. Shame on me!

Brinn went to summer school during June. Although I believe she DID like it, it was every day of the week and much longer than preschool (7:30 - 2:30). She told me she didn't like it because it "TAKES TOO LONG TO SEE MY MOMMY". Awwww.......yep, you can be sure I will remind her of that when she is 16!!!

In an effort to make our mornings run smoothly, I let her choose her outfits for school the night before. She enjoyed doing this and made sure every outfit was chosen carefully. She had her own system and everything had to be laid out just so. I just let her go at it. Here's an example of the fun and interesting outfits she concocted!

My sisters and I all threw a baby shower for our sister Kristin. This is her first baby (a boy!) and she is due at the end of July. We had lots of fun shopping for goodies for our new nephew, baby Kyle!

My sister Dawn had the most fun though, making Kyle's cake for the shower. She did an AMAZING job. I will be begging her to make all my cakes from this day forward!

The last couple of weeks we have been doing a lot of swimming. We have gone several times to our local community center which has a WONDERFUL pool and of course getting our fill of Table Rock Lake while were still here! (NO, no takers on the house hoo.....)

Brinn LOVES her goggles. She'll wear them for days on end!

Brinn and her Mimi.

Brinn in her 'I LOVE MOMMY' hat and her too-cool Tinkerbell shades. Awwww.......
My two water bugs....Brinn and Daddy.
Little Driver.
Just got a call that Kristin is in labor!!!!
Baby update soon!