Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My thoughts are with my college friend and roommate, Jackie, and her family as they grieve the loss of Jackie's mother. I will always remember Judy as a woman who loved her family with all her heart and treated me as one of her own.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Riding Lesson

Here's the highlight of Brinn's week........well, except for the pancake breakfast with Shaner at preschool where she told her class, "Everyone, this is my dad. He wears a tie and goes to work and got a haircut." Awwwww!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Horse is a Horse, Of Course!

So I was reading Peas and Thank You to Brinn before bed. It's a cute story about polite peas and rude beans that is suppose to teach manners. At the end of the story, I asked Brinn if she would rather be a pea or a bean. She looked at me, bewildered, and said, "I don't want to be a pea or a bean. I want to be a HORSE!"

Silly Mommy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finally Had A Moment and Other Strange Things

I know, I know! I am already proving to be as good a blogger as I am at email and telephone calls. Would you believe me if I said we really have been busy?

Last weekend Dawn came down and poor thing all she did was work! (She said she liked it though.) Actually, she vowed that she would not let us go without window treatments in this house as long as we did in our last house. And she stood by her word....we hung blinds all weekend. OK, well, she pretty much did all the work but I learned a lot! And I love them. Thanks for all your hard work Dawn!
The valances in the kitchen I had actually hung in our old house but didn't like the way they looked. I like them much better here so I'm glad I saved them. I'm still working on the drapes for the living room.

This past week and this weekend we spent trying to get the John Deere room in order. We had some left over paint from the contractor that we got started with. We were almost done with the room when we started to run low. So, I copied the formula and took it to Home Depot to get a gallon more. When I got home I finished up the room and then started "touching up" spots all over the room. The next day all the spots were at least 2 shades darker than the rest of the paint. Ugh....so back to Home Depot I go. Turns out the original paint was for a five gallon bucket and I got one gallon and the guy who mixed it put all the color for a five gallon into the one gallon. So, the rest of the week I spent touching up my touch up spots. Now the paint looks great and we are on to scrubbing the floor to get it ready to seal. I was hoping we would be done with the entire room by now. It always takes me twice as long to do a project than I think it's going to. Please tell me this happens to you to!

Well, somewhere along the way all this work, or maybe the paint fumes, got to Brinn. The other evening she came around the corner looking like this:

She has long loved to put her own outfits together, but this one has to be the most interesting by far...a Kansas City Chiefs stocking hat, pink gloves, a horse watch, a swim suit, tights, and flip flops. Thank goodness she didn't want to go anywhere. I am all for free expression and creativity but I don't think I could have explained this to anyone!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Starting Over

I'm finally a "Blogger". I tried to resist, but now that all our family and friends are spread across at least four different states, it just makes sense! We all know that I am pretty bad with email, and even worse yet with the phone. I hope this makes it easier for us to keep in contact!

With that said, we are all s-l-o-w-l-y getting settled in our new house. We still don't have everything unpacked yet, but we haven't even been in it a month and we have the basics, so I guess we will survive. I am still missing piddling around in the yard. I LOVED working in our old yard, but to put one in from scratch......well, I'm about as good at that as making a phone call! Needless to say, I have some anxiety about going from this....

t0 this.........

Don't worry, we DO have a front porch now, but pretty much no yard. I think we might have to enlist the help of some professionals though because there is a huge slope to the yard (we need retaining walls) and about 4 inches from the top is solid ROCK! Yes, there are hills. We're not in Kansas anymore!

Brinn started preschool last week and loves it. She goes three days a week. The only problem is that it's not long enough. She says she wants more school!

We had our first overnight guests last weekend. The VanDevers decided to visit God's country for a little R&R. I don't know how much of that they got, but we did have a lot of fun. We went to Silver Dollar City where Erica LOVED the log ride - oh how I wish I had the picture! Brinn and Addy played horses, and Nathan loved the ice cream from Hanna Banana.

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Day of Pre-School

Our little one is getting so big! She had no problem.....grabbed her teacher's hand and talked a mile a minute on the way in. Of course, she did need The Pink Pillow to pose for pictures though!