Monday, April 27, 2009

Brinn Hearts Infomercials

Infomercials work........especially on my daughter!

When the Pancake Puffs were heavily advertised, Brinn wanted one so bad she even asked for one for her 4th birthday!

Everytime a Bendaroos commerical comes on, she really wants to get those.

And now, the latest is the Touch-N-Brush. She even had me rewind the commercial so she could watch it again. This morning when she was trying to squeeze her Hanna Montana toothpaste onto her toothbrush she casually told me again, "I really need the Touch-N-Brush, Mom."

Now, I have to admit, she might come by it naturally. The first tooth whitener I ever used was from the Vana White Tooth Whitening System infomercial - but that was almost 20 years ago so I wouldn't say it's a learned behavior.
It must be in the genes!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Missing Them

Today Brinn went a friend's birthday party at the same gym she takes gymnastics classes at. She had a great time and, of course, did not want to leave when the party was over. And, like always, I had fun watching her be a normal 4 1/2 year old running and bouncing about, but for some reason I could not stop thinking about the little ones. This should have been a party where I had to leave an hour early just to get everyone in and out of car seats to be there on time. I should have been struggling with the obnoxious larger-than-life stroller to accomodate such a bunch and completely exhausted by the time we got home.

I admit, it was nice to be able to give Brinn my complete attention, but I miss them. They would be somewhere about a year old now, had they been able to hold out. It's gone so slow, and yet so fast at the same time...........

Friday, April 17, 2009

America's Next Top Brinn

The other day Brinn wanted braids in her hair for school. So, I made her two ponytails and then braided them. When I got it all completed, bows and everything, she said, "I don't like it. I look like a farm girl, and I'm NOT a farm girl." I told her that we were short on time and she would have to live with it. Off to school we went.

When I picked her up from school she exclaimed, "Everyone loved my hair!" So, now she did too. When we got home I told her I wanted to take a picture of her hair....I just love these hair bow we got from Gymboree. So, we went outside to snap a few pictures.

Pretty soon she was yelling, "I know mom, over here!" She was totally posing, peeking from behind things, running all over the neighborhood modeling for me.

She loved her "photo shoot" and keeps asking to do it again! We took about 150 pictures. Oh - and she requested the same braids for school today!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sadie's Odd Eating Habits

Sadie has gotten in the strange habit of barking at her food before she eats it. For about 5 minutes she'll stand there and give it a real good cussing.....then gobble it up.

What is that?!?! Hilarious, I say.
Our little lady is getting old.....and loosing her mind a bit, perhaps.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

Hey! It feels like such a long time since I've written anything......simple truth is, we just haven't been at all interesting as of late! (Not like we were before, right? HA!)

We have just been hanging out, hoping and praying for the house to sell so we can get back on the road to finding some normalcy in our lives. I know....I'm beginning to wonder if it exists too!

We did find out that we are getting TWO new nephews this summer. Two of my sisters, Kristin and Samantha, are expecting boys. YEAH!!

We did get to have some Easter fun this past weekend. The preschool where Brinn goes to school had an Easter egg hunt and Bass Pro had the Easter Bunny and some craft fun for the kiddos to do. We also made it to Chuck E Cheese. They had a new interactive horse racing game. Brinn was in HEAVEN!